Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Advancement or Dependency? Another "why" question...

With the boom of technology, mankind seems to have it pretty easy on a lot of things...we can call anyone at anytime with our cellular phones, we can be entertained on same said phones, or portable DVD players, we can "grow" hair overnight with weaves and hair extensions, heck, we can even change our body by getting "items" enlarged, reduced, tucked, nipped, singed, tattooed...the list goes on. We don't even have to read anymore, just pop in an audio book, and we're pretty much set.
Is this advancement in technology allowing us to be smarter or is it making us more and more dependent on things and less and less on people? I mean, once upon a time, driving a car was no big deal, never an issue; now, I feel "unsafe" without the cell phone on me at all times or having access to a GPS. Is this why the world is such a lonely place for some folks, because with all of the techno-toys available, we don't even have to actually have a conversation with a "live" person at all. Is this why it's so hard to develop lasting friendships, because we are losing the "know-how" on making and keeping friends? Is this a small reason why it seems so easy for some folks to put so little value on human life but will fight to the end for a piece of equipment or material things? The human touch is valuable and everyday we get further and further away from that oh-so-magic touch. I'm not saying technology is a bad thing, not at all, technology has helped mankind far beyond ever believed, but maybe we need to place it a little further down on the priority list and put plain ole' human kindness a little higher up....?

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