With the boom of technology, mankind seems to have it pretty easy on a lot of things...we can call anyone at anytime with our cellular phones, we can be entertained on same said phones, or portable DVD players, we can "grow" hair overnight with weaves and hair extensions, heck, we can even change our body by getting "items" enlarged, reduced, tucked, nipped, singed, tattooed...the list goes on. We don't even have to read anymore, just pop in an audio book, and we're pretty much set.
Is this advancement in technology allowing us to be smarter or is it making us more and more dependent on things and less and less on people? I mean, once upon a time, driving a car was no big deal, never an issue; now, I feel "unsafe" without the cell phone on me at all times or having access to a GPS. Is this why the world is such a lonely place for some folks, because with all of the techno-toys available, we don't even have to actually have a conversation with a "live" person at all. Is this why it's so hard to develop lasting friendships, because we are losing the "know-how" on making and keeping friends? Is this a small reason why it seems so easy for some folks to put so little value on human life but will fight to the end for a piece of equipment or material things? The human touch is valuable and everyday we get further and further away from that oh-so-magic touch. I'm not saying technology is a bad thing, not at all, technology has helped mankind far beyond ever believed, but maybe we need to place it a little further down on the priority list and put plain ole' human kindness a little higher up....?
Come here to just talk a bit..get some things off your shoulders, big or small.... Just a place to post my thoughts on the things in life that makes you go hmmmm.... A place where "why" questions are asked. Come on in, grab a seat and sit for a spell...
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Thursday, October 4, 2007
When a “FriendSHIP” turns into a “FriendANCHOR”…
“Anchor” is actually a good word to use here…there are two definitions of Anchor: “device keeping object in place” and “someone/something that provides stability”. Do you have one of those friends that always have a negative spin on anything you choose to do? Or as soon as you receive a compliment in their presence, the only thing they can think of to say is something negative, something that will take away the goodness of the original comment.
From third party…“Hey, You, I love your new car!”
From “friend”, “Yeah, but I would hate to have those payments!” Ugh! Worse yet, how about someone you truly thought was a good friend, only to find out he is the biggest liar on this side of the Mason Dixon line, and that you, the Discerning One, was mistaken, at least to a certain point? I mean, you knew he lied to So-and-So about THAT, but never to you….surely! You don’t see it coming, it blindsides you, and now you’re looking around not knowing where true friendship ends and the deceit begins. I tell ya, there’s nothing more surprising than to find out how your “friends” really feel about you. It makes you question the parts that may have been genuine…you just don’t know where it went wrong. *sigh I guess we should learn to put our faith in God and let our feelings of faith in Man remain somewhere loosely behind that God-faith. Afterall, everyone makes mistakes; and some folks make the ones that feel as if they will never be forgiven, but maybe next time one of your “less optimistic” friends decides to rag on you in front of a well-planned audience, try to see them for the lost souls they truly are… and remember, that “Anchor” carries a couple of meanings, … and with that being said, you can then decide if your “anchor” is someone who holds you back from things good or are they the ones who provide you with needed stability. Then, you in turn, can determine which kind of friend you are and will be!
From third party…“Hey, You, I love your new car!”
From “friend”, “Yeah, but I would hate to have those payments!” Ugh! Worse yet, how about someone you truly thought was a good friend, only to find out he is the biggest liar on this side of the Mason Dixon line, and that you, the Discerning One, was mistaken, at least to a certain point? I mean, you knew he lied to So-and-So about THAT, but never to you….surely! You don’t see it coming, it blindsides you, and now you’re looking around not knowing where true friendship ends and the deceit begins. I tell ya, there’s nothing more surprising than to find out how your “friends” really feel about you. It makes you question the parts that may have been genuine…you just don’t know where it went wrong. *sigh I guess we should learn to put our faith in God and let our feelings of faith in Man remain somewhere loosely behind that God-faith. Afterall, everyone makes mistakes; and some folks make the ones that feel as if they will never be forgiven, but maybe next time one of your “less optimistic” friends decides to rag on you in front of a well-planned audience, try to see them for the lost souls they truly are… and remember, that “Anchor” carries a couple of meanings, … and with that being said, you can then decide if your “anchor” is someone who holds you back from things good or are they the ones who provide you with needed stability. Then, you in turn, can determine which kind of friend you are and will be!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Who would you choose?
While perusing msn.com today, I noticed a question that was asked that I found extremely interesting. So much so, I’ve decided to place it on my spot to see what your responses would be…I’d be very interested to read your thoughts on this one. The question is:
“If you could bring someone back to life for 60 seconds, who would it be and what would you ask?”
“If you could bring someone back to life for 60 seconds, who would it be and what would you ask?”
Monday, October 1, 2007
The Contagiousness of Negative Energy
Have you ever been in a great mood and as soon as someone with a negative attitude came around, your day seemed just a little less bright? I'm positive this negativeness is highly contagious; not only does it spread to you but it zaps away your positive energy and makes you physically unwell. Since passing beyond the age of "knowing better", I've become determined to distance myself from folks with bad attitudes. Of course, working outside of my home forces me to engage with all kinds of folks so this isn't a total withdrawal, it's more of a distancing on a personal level. And you know what? Most times it feels good; other times it's rather sad that there's only a handful, ...heck, maybe one or two folks I enjoy spending time with. Once you reach a certain point in your life or a certain age, you suddenly feel as if you shouldn't have to put up with so much of the nonsense. Am I getting crotchety and impatient in my older age (not that old!) or am I just sick and tired of being sick and tired? I've even considered marketing cards that expresses what some folks feel uncomfortable saying... Example: "I've known you for a long time and have mostly enjoyed knowing you but now I feel our friendship is costing me more than its worth"; or "I love you but it's time for you to get off of my couch and start living life on your on!"....better yet, "You may have fooled someone, but I know you only got that job because of who you know, not what you know". *giggle Maybe you'd be better off sending that last one anonymously! But do you get my drift? Can you think of a sideline for a "not so positive" occassion? Feel free to post your thoughts and I will be adding the sidelines to my list over there---> :) Um, uh, ...on the other side... <----
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