Hey Ya'll!
It's the end of March, the beginning of Spring, and I'm at a point in the "single life" where I've decided to let a Higher Power "find Mr One" for me. Yeah, I said it... I'm going to stop setting myself back. You see, I've found, I don't do so well with the the picking of a mate. Not saying I'm not still waiting for "him" but I'm not actively searching...and not that the guys I've been interested in are total duds...but...yeah. They're not the ones for me soooo....on to another plan. lol..
Sometimes as females, we have this list of requirements and things we feel MUST be met in order for a brother to be "right" for us. At least, I have. And then I find that brother, only to discover he's missing this or he's missing that. Or even worse, I find I didn't REALLY need this or that. So you don't have to hit me upside the head too much...I can see I'm not the best "picker" out there for me. See, I have the concept of who I want as a mate and I think I will know how it should feel but the theory of that person never lives up to my expectations or I find I've missed something crucial...something I can't just settle for. An example, you may ask?? Well, wanna hear about it? Here it goes...
In all of the very few relationships / meetings I've had since "Single-dom", I've learned a little bit more about me and what I want and/or need. During the first serious one, I found I didn't want the added responsibility of full-time "kids". Now, if the ex has a healthy relationship where she is respected and expected to have an active and positive role in the children's lives, then that's different but if there's constant conflict...uh uh. I also didn't want to be in between unfinished business as part of my moving on. So, that one ended. Then, I learned how important sharing each others "space" and lives is in a relationship. If one person is inviting you all up in their joint, the other person needs to be trying to do the same thing! And lastly, no matter how "cute" he is, he MUST be able to make sound decisions! If he has shown you his inability to make good decisions in HIS OWN LIFE, how in the heck am I suppose to trust him making the decisions in OUR (can you say "MY LIFE"?) lives together? Uh uh, can't have that either!!
So, yes, I find myself in a whole 'nother space this time....I'm in the space of sitting back in the passenger seat and letting God drive this vehicle. My trust and faith in Him is strong enough to know He knows what I want and need much better than I do. Besides, I want my next union to be blessed by God, not just by what I think I may want. And the thing about it is, I can FEEL him nearby!! No, I'm not drinking anything...I honestly feel like my "Mr One" is somewhere nearby! Don't know what he looks like (God, please let him be tall!) but he's coming towards me! I pray that I'm able to recognize him when he arrives and he, me!
I guess we'll see, huh? lol... Until next time,