Do you?
As children, we read so many stories about the miracles that Jesus performed; as a young adult, I used to question as to why that type of thing didn’t happen anymore. Later in life, I was shown that miracles do in fact happen, each and every day of our lives. No, not just the miracle of life but “bible-time” type miracles.
A week ago I called into the Lexus dealership to schedule my routine car maintenance for this past Saturday. After getting lost (thanks hubby!) I still managed to arrive at the dealership about 15 minutes early. So, I’m processed in and directed to the waiting area because this was only a routine appointment, shouldn’t take more than an hour, hour and a half.
About two hours later, the attendant comes in and tells me, “Ma’am, they’re JUST STARTING to work on your car, would you like a loaner?” Yes, of course. So she gathers the necessary items and away she goes to get the loaner car. Now, if any of you have had service that was not up to par, you know the next thing I did was go find the manager. Before I could finish the second sentence, he acknowledged they’d messed up and offered to discount half of my bill. Cool.
So away I go in what I must admit is a beautiful white hybrid Lexus 350. Some of you may consider this strange, but I name my cars. The one I currently have is charcoal grey 350 and his name is “Greyson”. Yeah, yeah…anyway, so this one was so pretty it ALMOST had me comparing it to Greyson.
Later that night, the girls and I are returning home from dinner (see picture below!) and we’re at a red stop light, getting ready to make a left turn once the light turned green. Along come these two cars traveling in opposite directions, perpendicular to us at the stop light, and one decides to make a left turn. The driver couldn’t have been paying attention because he/she turns RIGHT IN FRONT OF the oncoming car that’s going through the green light!
Mind you, my daughters and I have front row seats to this “about to happen” accident. I immediately scream, “Oh my God, they’re going to ….” And then before I could finish…. CRASH!!! When these two cars collided, one car ended up less than two feet from us, turned in the opposite direction on the medium right beside us and the other car is hit and rolls right in front of our car! We are so close to the impact, we were able to see the shattered glass and car parts rain down in front of the car we were in!
The miracle? I honestly believe everything that happened was in place according to God’s Will. You may say coincidence but I don’t believe in coincidences. Check this out:
- When one of the cars made impact, the car swerved, and it was headed straight-on to our car but the driver turned the wheel in time to jump the medium instead of hitting us. Would he/she have seen us if we were in my charcoal grey car?
- If you make a right angle, that is the layout of the accident; we were in the “V” of the right angle and NOT ONE PIECE of debris from the accident touched the car we were in and we were less than a yard away!
- When we got home and took our shopping bag out of the car, we immediately noticed there was a scripture on the bottom of the bag. John 3:16. Yeah.
Miracles happen every day and sometimes we put them off as “coincidence” or “strange” happenings. So, the next time you have to wait a little longer, or something feels as if it’s inconveniencing you, stop and think that maybe that extra couple minutes could make a difference in your life. Thank God for working to His Will and knowing where you need to be, when.