"Believe people the first time they show themselves to you" and you will avoid all the pain associated with "seeing them later on" for which they prove to be in the end yet showed you in the very beginning!
*Betcha can’t say that three times fast! Ok, I’ll go slower. ..and listen, this goes for men as well as the ladies…
I have friends who will meet a man, see all of the tiny tips of redness peeking out of their doorways, still get involved with him, and when the whole red flag comes bursting out of the closet, all of a sudden you get the “I can’t believe he did THAT to me!”
Ladies, if a man REALLY wants to spend time with you, there’s no amount of anything else that will stop him. Don’t fall for the “Oh, I had to run by the store for my mom” lines… If he wants to be with you, that “store run” would happen and he will still be right there with you…on time! Don’t make excuses for why he does the things he do. HE’S A GROWN MAN!! And trust me, the same way he would go through hell and high water to get that Mustang he wants or that Escalade he’s always wanted, that would be the same way he’ll be with you IF he really wanted to be!
Men, if a woman is interested in you, you don’t have to go broke “proving” anything! She’ll eat pork and beans from a can with you if she’s truly into you…okay, even though I like the ole’ p&bs, that may be going a little far but you get the picture! Yes, it’s nice to surprise her with a treat every now and then but when gifts become a requirement…RUN! ….Or be rich and generous…whichever works for you! *Sorry ladies, had to tell it.
If he will stray away from the one he’s vowed to love and honor, and if you just happen to find yourself in the unlucky position of him deciding to he wants to be with you, know that the chances of him straying away from you is pretty high. What?! You didn’t see that coming??!!
If she will gossip about another friend TO you, she’ll probably gossip ABOUT you to that friend. Simple.as.that. Yeah, I know. There are those few people who can come to you to rant on occasion but when the rants becomes pure gossip, especially the kind that can hurt, then she’ll be hard pressed to NOT talk about you in the same manner!
And this goes for you too! What you “put out there” is what people are going to finally see. Don’t question why you don’t have any real friends when you can’t be one; or question why things don’t ever seem to go well for you when all you do is wish badness on others. The math is simple on this one ya’ll…99% of the time, what you see is what you get…even if you choose to close your eyes!